Rael Wilson


The driving force and visionary leader at the helm of Amani Youth Organization. With a profound dedication to the Ma'di community and a wealth of experience in community service, Rael Wilson brings charisma and strategic thinking to the organization. As President, she steers the ship, fostering unity, overseeing initiatives, and ensuring Amani Youth's mission remains at the forefront of every endeavor.

Geary Erua


The meticulous and organized Secretary of Amani Youth Organization. In the fast-paced world of community engagement, He ensures that every detail is captured, every decision documented, and every communication streamlined. Behind the scenes, He plays a key role in maintaining cohesion, keeping records, and facilitating efficient communication among the organization's members.

Esther Mawa


Stands as the charismatic face and voice of Amani Youth Organization. With a passion for storytelling and community outreach, She skillfully builds bridges between the organization and the wider community. Through press releases, social media campaigns, and community engagement, She's fosters positive relationships and elevates the profile of Amani Youth.

Judith Jurugo


At the financial helm of Amani Youth is Judith Jurugo, a dedicated steward of the organization's resources. She's oversees the financial aspects, manages budgets, and ensures fiscal responsibility. She is not just a numbers person; She is a guardian of Amani Youth's sustainability, ensuring that financial health aligns with the organization's mission and goals.

Stephen Luguma


Is the tech-savvy architect behind Amani Youth's digital presence. With an eye for design and a passion for seamless user experiences, He ensures that the organization's website is not just a virtual space but a vibrant hub of information, engagement, and unity. Stephen Luguma plays a crucial role in translating the mission of Amani Youth into the digital realm.

Juma Moi


Is the guardian of order and governance. With a deep understanding of parliamentary procedures, he ensures that meetings run smoothly, decisions are made fairly, and the organization operates within its established rules and bylaws.

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